The blog

The blog—informal opinions and chat about the parish

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bishop Statements on Our New Immigrant Policy

Statements by church leadership are extremely important, not just because they represent an official policy, but because (at their best) they also say something about what God's intention is for our church and our interaction with the world.

My Facebook feed has been filling up with statements from a wide variety of church leaders. I will link them below, beginning with the statement from our own Bishop Mark Hollingsworth:

Voices from other parts of Christ's body:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the Bishop speaking up about this unjust action against a group of people.
He is also honest to say, he does not have all the answers. It is a difficult time, but I know I must allow the values I have grown up with to hold strong. Love not hate.
-Marty Ross